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Through the Storm

It's about those moments when life feels like it's tearing you apart. Yet, you keep moving forward. This work reflects a time when I felt broken, like pieces of me were scattered and lost. But there was a strength inside, I didn't even know I had. Every step felt heavy, like there was something pulling me backwards to the old. I knew the old wasn't working for me. But I didn't know how it should be from now on. This work reminds me of the uncertainty I was going through. It was raw and messy. I felt like a concrete wall full of cracks, a moment before falling down in pieces. Those cracks hold the light inside me. The light that guided me through the rough times. Through the storm that led me to myself. The artist, creator, the person who sees the world in my own way and has passion to share the beauty with the world.

It's about those moments when life feels like it's tearing you apart. Yet, you keep moving forward. This work reflects a time when I felt broken, like pieces of me were scattered and lost. But there was a strength inside, I didn't even know I had.

Every step felt heavy, like there was something pulling me backwards to the old. I knew the old wasn't working for me. But I didn't know how it should be from now on.

This work reminds me of the uncertainty I was going through. It was raw and messy. I felt like a concrete wall full of cracks, a moment before falling down in pieces. Those cracks hold the light inside me. The light that guided me through the rough times.

Through the storm that led me to myself. The artist, creator, the person who sees the world in my own way and has passion to share the beauty with the world.